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Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)  

Delivering solutions to fluid flow problems in an easy to use, intuitive and responsive environment for SME’s, global corporations, academia and start-ups alike.


From assessing the feasibility of drug delivery into respiratory tracks or the coating of tablets or the performance of an implant device – our CFD tools are actively used in industry, for teaching and commercial purposes, across StartUps, SME’s and global corps.

Mask with Active Filter Design
Our easy to use and intuitive CFD tool gives engineers the ability to analyse a cityscape under multiple wind & geometric conditions.

Thermal Coating Of Tablets
2-way coupled simulation between DEM and CFD sees tablets losing their heat sensitive coating as hot air is blown into the assembly.

Drug Delivery into Human Lungs
Another coupling between our DEM and CFD solution to model the deposition of fine powders inhaled into the lungs, for better drug delivery.