IoT reducing cost and driving efficiency in pharmaceutical production
Traditionally pharmaceutical manufacture is largely a batch process involving mixing compounds in large vats, followed by long delays to measure the quality of each intermediate product, and then moving to another step, sometimes in another facility. Machinery is not used continuously, information about conditions, status, and quality is often distributed across a wide variety of separate systems and often critical data is still gathered and stored in paper-based logs.
Increasingly manufacturers are looking to move to continuous manufacture, like the chemical industry, where compounds move through the plant without pause and are measured constantly – a perfect scenario for an IoT implementation.
Manufacturing costs for brand name drugs can be nearly 30 percent of revenues, while, by comparison, R&D costs are only around 15 percent of revenues. By adopting techniques used by auto manufacturers and other advanced companies, including incorporating IoT and other modern methods into their manufacturing process, pharmaceutical companies are looking to reduce their overall costs while improving the quality if their products and accelerating time to market.
In some cases switching from batch to continuous manufacturing in pharmaceutical production can reduce the time required to produce a drug from a month to a day, while also being more reliable, and safer. As pharmaceutical companies seek to reduce margins, upgrading manufacturing processes is a key area and the continuous monitoring and control provided by the IoT will be a big part of that
Leading players in the pharma value chain adopt IoT – Parata Systems case study
Parata Systems is a leading pharmacy automation company and leading solution provider of medication dispensing and workflow technology that empowers pharmacists to help people lead healthy lives.
Parata firmly believes that the Internet of Things (IoT) is a cornerstone of the company’s service infrastructure and a key differentiator in the market. With a constant focus on innovation and a forwardlooking mindset, Parata is helping pharmacies prepare for the next major shift in healthcare and reinforcing its customer focus.
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“Our IoT and analytics strategy is transforming the way we provide day-to-day support for our customers. We create a better experience for our customers while gaining efficiencies for our service team. Hands down, ThingWorx is one of the greatest investments we have made to create more value for our customers.”
– Dan Sullivan
Vice President, Customer Success, Parata Systems
PTC’s market leading IoT platform ThingWorx delivers actionable, real-time insights into manufacturing operations to drive efficiency
PTC’s industry-leading IoT platform, ThingWorx includes a set of role-based apps that can be installed and configured in under an hour without impacting production. They are 100% web-enabled and accessible via any browser—providing you and your team members the ability to view, understand, and act on industrial data in real time
ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps:
- Fast to deploy – install and configure in less than an hour.
- Role based Intelligence – real-time, actionable access to operational information leads to proactive and faster decision making
- Flexible to evolve – code-less app extensibility for rapid continuous innovation
- Built on the ThingWorx Platform – the most proven, purpose built industrial IoT platform – delivering native industrial connectivity, rapid application development and ultimate flexibility, powered by a vibrant ecosystem.
Watch the videos below to learn more or contact LEAP today to learn how your business can become IoT enabled in no time with ThingWorx.
Watch more on the ThingWorx Manufactuing apps:
Machine Level (Controls Advisor):
Plant Level (Production Advisor):