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CFD Applications

Delivering solutions to fluid flow problems in an easy to use, intuitive and responsive environment for SME’s, global corporations and start-up business alike.

Thermal Management for Electronic Enclosures Railways substations, plant rooms, data centres – all require adequate cooling to keep the equipment running within allowable temperature ranges. Ventilation, electronic enclosures, data centres, electrical switch rooms
Mixing Tanks for Water Treatment 48 hours of simulation saved the end client months of testing, retrofitting and over AUD 50k worth of superfluous equipment purchase
Fan Design with Optimization Tools How did we run through 10,000+ iterative designs and achieve an optimized fan shape within 2 weeks, with reduced order models and simulation?
Biomedical Mask Design Transient simulations to assess the effectiveness of the ventilation system to counter a chlorine leak within a given timeframe
Balancing Flow Networks Build a complex network with 1000’s of components and then get the software to perform multi-objective design optimization – in minutes.
Process Equipment (Heat Exchangers) Design A start-up company needed to test their concept design, which included phase changes and heat transfer via convection & conduction
Dust Suppression for Ore Transfer When transferring bulk material at a site, mining operators and designers need to understand the resultant dust plume and how to mitigate it
UAV Wing Profile Optimization Using adjoint solver optimization, a 3D wing shape for a UAV design was realised, which worked across the entire flight envelope
6DOF UAV Propeller Once a propeller has been designed, go on to understand how it performs in flight by assessing its movement in space
6DOF Payload Drop Transient simulations to understand the aerodynamic behaviour of an underwing payload separating from the aircraft
Slurry Transport and Particle Separation Through the process of evaluating various designs, a concept was found that allowed a slurry to be separated by particle sizes and densities
Chlorine Dosing for Water Treatment Understand the degree of mixing and longitudinal variation in chlorine concentration within a water treatment system
Mitigating Water Hammer Analyse sudden valve closures or pump tripping along with their effects on a system, to mitigate against pressure spikes and damage
Flood & Terrain Analysis Using adaptive meshing, this free surface analysis shows the evolution of an overflowing river and the consequent flooding in the Brisbane area
Sedimentation and Erosion Bridge and environmental engineers are examples of those who need to understand the process of erosion, sedimentation and scouring in water ways
Mixing and Agitation Transient simulations to understand the aerodynamic behaviour of an underwing payload separating from the aircraft
Aerodynamic Noise Prediction Evaluation of the noise level and frequency signature, generated from the air going past a roof rack sitting on a vehicle
Draining & Filling Free Surfaces Using an intelligent meshing technique, the liquid level is tracked in this transient simulation containing air, liquid and a mixture of the two
Exhaust Extraction in Engine Test Rooms Environmental modelling (pollutants, acoustics, smoke, …) for closed and open spaces in the mining, HVAC, built environment industries
Diffuser Design, Thermal Comfort & PMV From designing a vent through to placing it in an office space, how does CFD help ESD and HVAC engineers achieve comfortable spaces?
Digital Twin & Preventive Maintenance How does simulation help run diagnostics to understand the core issue on equipment and prevent unscheduled maintenance & downtime?
Combating Chlorine Leaks for O H & S Transient simulations to assess the effectiveness of the ventilation system to counter a chlorine leak within a given timeframe
Thermal Management of a Pharma Warehouse Medication in a pharmaceutical warehouse needs to be held at the right temperature constantly, so designing a reliable ventilation system is a must. Ventilation, vent placement, air conditioning
Organization-Wide Simulation Tools How can we leverage simulation for the benefit of an entire organization, instead of a few selected individuals? Pedestrian comfort, Lawson criteria, parameterization, automated workflows
NSW Classrooms: Thermal Comfort & PMV Analyse sudden valve closures or pump tripping along with their effects on a system, to mitigate against pressure spikes and damage. HVAC, ESD, occupant comfort, thermal analysis, PPD
Louver & Plant Room Exhaust Interaction Making use of intelligent adaptive meshing, this free surface analysis shows the evolution of an overflowing river and consequent flooding. HVAC, façade design, sustainability, exhaust tracking, condensers, evaporators.
Thermal Management of the Opera House In a 1,500+ occupancy theatre, how does simulation help to model heat transfer due to lighting, occupants and zonal vent flow rates? Thermal comfort, lighting, displacement ventilation, stratification.
Air Conditioning Units Placements on Rooftops The ability to ingest fresh air, as opposed to the exhausts from other units can affect AC efficiency; so getting their placement is vital for HVAC teams. Air conditioning, wind interaction, exhaust, HVAC.
West Connex Ventilation and Equipment Sizing From equipment selection to flow balancing to assessing pressure drops, major infrastructure projects across Australia are all using simulation. Tunnel ventilation, dampers, attenuators, fans, pressure drop.
Smoke Extraction in a Road Tunnel When it comes to evacuating smoke or placing sprinklers within a tunnel, engineers rely on tools that give them detailed access to the design. Tunnels, fire, smoke, ventilation, fans.
Rail Tunnel Thermal Management & Ventilation In the rail industry, CFD has been used to provide ventilation on a platform or prevent heat build up in a tunnel, from a stationary train. Thermal stratification, platform ventilation, railway tunnels, air conditioning.
Pathogen Tracking in HVAC Systems How long does it take for cross contamination between rooms to occur? And what can be done to prevent such occurrences? COVID, infection control, transmission, HVAC, particle tracking.
Culvert Design with Parameterization Run through multiple scenarios with an automated workflow, allowing every designer to capture the full performance envelope. Drainage, sewers, tanks, free surface, parameterization, automated workflows.
2-Way Fluid Structural Interaction From designing a vent through to placing it in an office space, how does CFD help ESD and HVAC engineers achieve comfortable spaces? Fluid borne vibrations, acoustics, multiphase, fluid structural interaction.
Analysing Large Flow Networks Setup and analyse fluid networks with 1000’s of custom and library components, in a transient or steady state analysis. Fluid networks, optimization, multi-objective optimization.
Slurry Separation in a Cyclone Transient simulations to assess the effectiveness of the ventilation system to counter a chlorine leak within a given timeframe. Separators, particle tracking, multiphase, transient.
Vibro-acoustics and Noise Propagation Analyse sudden valve closures or pump tripping along with their effects on a system, to mitigate against pressure spikes and damage. Noise control, environmental pollution, acoustics, vibrations.
Terrain Modelling For Wind Farm Sites Making use of intelligent adaptive meshing, this free surface analysis shows the evolution of an overflowing river and consequent flooding. HVAC, façade design, sustainability, exhaust tracking, condensers, evaporators.