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Home / GPU Accelerated Computing – powered by NVIDIA

GPU Accelerated Computing – powered by NVIDIA

NVIDIA has pioneered GPU accelerated computing which in recent years has delivered incredible gains to compute-intensive workloads in engineering and science – in applications ranging from artificial intelligence to cars, drones, robots and of course, engineering simulation – with GPUs now powering energy-efficient workstations & data centres in government labs, universities, enterprises, and SMEs around the world.

Flagship products ANSYS Mechanical and ANSYS CFD have benefited from advances in GPU computing in recent years. More recently, our customers have been especially excited by the advances in instantaneous engineering simulation now available with the launch of ANSYS Discovery Live – powered by NVIDIA GPUs – and LEAP Australia is pleased to announce a formal partnership with NVIDIA to provide both the GPU hardware and Discovery live software for live, interactive design exploration.

What does this mean for me?

With the revolutionary new ANSYS Discovery Live solution, simulation is no longer a matter of hours or days — it is instantaneous. Engineers can start seeing simulation results in seconds after importing or modifying their geometry, with no need for a high-performance computing system. That is because all the computing is handled by a discrete GPU, which has thousands of processors running in parallel. Without needing to pause the simulation, engineers & designers can change the design and/or physics and immediately view the impact on the results. This interactivity and instant feedback lets engineers experiment with more variables early in the digital exploration stage of the design process, which is vital to developing successful products in a highly competitive market.

NVIDIA enabling ANSYS Discovery Live

Contact LEAP to help understand how ANSYS Discovery Live can help speed-up your time to design and time to market – powered by NVIDIA GPUs.  If you don’t already have access to an NVIDIA GPU, review the options below and contact LEAP to decide on the right GPU for your needs.

ANSYS Discovery Live at LEAP Australia